虽说是“简易版”,但还真的是很-好-喝-哦~ 真的。^^#
材料 ingredients for onion soup:
洋葱 onion 1个(见下图)
盐 salt 1~2撮
水 water 5~6大匙 (炒洋葱的份量)
水 water 450ml (煮汤的份量)
盐与黑胡椒 salt&black pepper 适量
酱油 soy sauce 2小匙
起司面包材料 ingredients for cheese toast:
法式面包 french bread 随个人喜好
比萨起司 pizza cheese 随个人喜好
1. 洋葱用逆纹的方式切成薄片。slice the onion into strips.
2. 将切好的洋葱直接放入未开火的锅子里,加入1-2撮盐,然后均匀搅拌,让盐浸到所有的洋葱。after placing the sliced onion into the pot, add in 1-2 pinch of salt and mix well.
3. 开中小火,将洋葱炒到透明。using small medium flame, cook the onion til see through.
4. 当洋葱开始变成黄色时,关小火。turn to small flame when onion starts to darken in color.
5. 当洋葱的颜色开始变深时,可以加入一点水分,尽量不让它黏底。add in spoonful of water to prevent onion from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
6. 继续炒至自己喜欢的程度后,可加入450ml的水,转中火。continue to cook the onion til desired texture. add in 450ml of water and turn to medium flame.
7. 汤滚了以后,关小火,开始调整味道。加入盐与黑胡椒。也可加入一点砂糖补洋葱的甜味。如果要有不一样的咸味,也可加入一点酱油。熄火。完成!when soup starts to boil, add in salt, black pepper, sugar and soy sauce to taste.
制作起司面包做法 to prepare cheese toast:
1. 烤箱预热至250摄氏度。pre heat oven to 250C.
2. 将切成薄片的法国面包摆在烤盘上后再撒上适量的比萨起司。slice bread and add pizza cheese on top.
3. 送进烤箱烤至表面呈金黄色为止,约2-3分钟。bake for 2-3 mins or til golden brown.
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